Message from Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
I am getting in touch to see if you can help us reach people in your community.
Each year the Police and Crime Commissioner sets the police budget and consults with communities to see how much they’d be willing to pay for their policing service through their council tax. This is also known as the policing precept.
The consultation is run online and can be accessed by this link ( We know that not everyone has access to online consultations or may need assistance in providing their views.
We would like to reach as many of Cheshire’s communities as possible and wonder if you could help us to achieve this.
We can provide paper copies of the survey if that would help but would appreciate any advice you could give to help reach more people.
The survey will close at 12 noon on Monday 20th January 2025, so we have a tight deadline.
Thanks in advance for your help. Please get in touch if you have any questions.
Kind regards
Janet Hare | Head of Communications and Engagement | Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
Mobile: 07976 582126 | Telephone: 01606 364011